Healer's Find GoFundMe


The Healer's Find charity aims to support and expand the farming of heritage and ancient grains on U.S. family farms. These grains are usually certified organic, but even if they are not, they do not require the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic inputs, and the like due to their native hardiness.

The heart of our drive on this matter is land stewardship and the gluten-intolerance epidemic occurring from consumption of modern wheat. The facts about why this is happening has been either buried or skewed in some cases by the industrial wheat corporation, the FDA, the AMA and other interest groups.

The root issue with modern and improved wheat varieties in America is that a technique called hybridization (which is not a natural process for wheat reproduction) caused a change in its genetic makeup. This first began in the US during the 1950s. Soon after WW2 ended, large amounts of nitrogen leftover from the war were shipped back to farmlands. When applied to the wheat fields, these large amounts of nitrogen increased wheat yields and made the plant heavier causing crops to fall over. So, agri-scientists applied hybridization using a dwarf grass and heritage varieties to create modern (aka improved) varieties.

Changing wheat's genetics has only worsened since then. With applications of toxic inputs and other methods of genetic engineering, the majority of wheat is far from it's original design.

Surprisingly, the method of hybridization was grandfathered into the USDA's organic program and remains an acceptable technique for growing wheat (CFR 205.2, see Excluded Methods). Heritage wheat can be certified organic if grown according to the organic standards BUT not all organic wheat is heritage wheat.

Ancient and heritage grains have persisted through family farms over the generations, and to ensure we can reverse or attempt to reverse the gluten-intolerance epidemic, heal our farmlands and people from toxic chemicals like glyphosate and atrazine, we need to help farmers grow more heritage grains, transition land from modern varieties to heritage and/or ancient varieties, educate consumers, and support small businesses that can use these grains to feed our communities.

Over 40% of US wheat is exported. This means the US is not the only country experiencing the ill effects of modern wheat. So if we can restore heritage wheat as the prominent source of wheat in the US we not only solve our problem at home but internationally, as well. 

Healer's Find has established a charity to support American family farms, conscious consumers, and small businesses by expanding access to ancient and heritage grains through the following:
1) Building transparent and robust supply chains for easy distribution of grain.
2) Establishing micro-milling operations closer to where businesses operate for delivering a product with the highest quality.
3) Sponsoring education programs and classes such as baking, brewing, and distilling that can accommodate students, families, non-profits, and organizations.
4) Advocating with the USDA NOP and National Organic Standards Board to create a program to identify and transition modern and improved wheat crops out of organic.


We are raising fund on GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/cd0273f9


Let's eat like our ancestors!